FPGA based single output DCDC converter of medium power designed for satellite applications: initial study phase and laboratory model (2009-2010). Contracts between EADS Astrium and SRC PAS for research activities on completely new area of space applications: digitally controlled DCDC converters. A digital control of a power
converters in space applications has several advantages over the traditional ones. Two effects have a huge influence on a long time efficiency of a controller: aging of elements and radiation (mostly single events) effects. In addition the possibility of implementation of adaptative algorithms in feed back control loop is extremely important for the further space applications.
In 2010 the project was practically finished – the complete working prototype has been designed, manufactured and tested. The prototype consists of 750W DCDC from EADS Astrium where the analogue control loop has been exchanged by the complete digital loop made by SRC and based on custom design and Altium Nanoboard Development Kit. The main goal was to verify that the converter is able to adapt to changes in work modes: DCM and CCM and to operate with moving sampling to increase the phase margins. As the result it was shown that it is possible to develop an basic adaptive digital converter for space application that will not require a big burden of computation for its proper work. The final reports have been delivered in last days of 2010 to EADS for verification.
Multipurpose, re-programmable digital platform designed for fast transformations of signals in satellite and airborne instrumentation (2009-2012). In-flight software re-programming techniques are in common use in most of space instruments – everywhere the microcontrollers or microprocessors are implemented, the option for new code
uploading from ground, is a natural way to improve the instrument's reliability. The hardware reprogramming feature is the next step of functionality or reliability improvement which can and should be done for modern space apparatus. Re-configurable processing systems has been an emerging technology, but only recently has the possibility of developing such systems for space become exploited. The idea of reconfigurable computing in space is a hardware designer's dream since the notion of fixing the hardware bug or updating the hardware-implemented algorithms has never been available. Space missions are critical by nature and therefore, having the option
of reconfiguring a system once launched provides numerous advantages and a great deal of flexibility. Even in a very complicated and powerful platforms the total amount of the component is extremely low. Most of the tasks to be realized by instrument or space system can be fulfilled by FPGA structures (usually not more than a few, even in quite complex platform) which included all necessary architecture: the set of hardware DSP oriented blocks, autonomous state machines or microprocessors, glue logic and interfaces. In September 2009 the three-years grant has been given by Ministry of Science and High Education to SRC PAS on research and development activities dedicated for this area.
The SRC activities in 2010 were focused on the finalization of the technical requirements of the project and on the design and manufacturing of the first prototype. The simulations of the part of
FPGA code have been performed on different FPGA Development Kits. The electrical scheme and the PCB layout of the prototype have been finished. The prototype PCB is under manufacturing